Tara's Chance
Tara’s Chance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing developmental therapeutic and recreational programs and promoting the physical, cognitive, and social well-being of disabled and disadvantaged at-risk children through equine assisted activities.
As a designer working alongside a team of eight (Jasmine Najarro, Marijose Cuellar, Lauren Wong, Janice Chen, Berenice Ramos., Ida Kythe, and Kaitlin Thomas) our goal was to redesign Tara’s Chance’s brand identity to emphasize the connection between riders and their horses. We then applied the new brand identity across branding, marketing, and social media to finalize 15 assets in 24-hours.

Tara's Chance Branding Guide (Left), Posters for Tara's Chance Annual Fundraising Events (Right)

Shirt Designs for Riders, Volunteers, Staff, and Donors

Shirt Design Tech Packs used for manufacturing

Excerpt from Cal Poly Pomona College of Environmental Design Newsletter by College of Environmental Design Media and External Affairs coordinator Samantha Gonzaga

Client Kick-off Meeting (Left), Design for Good Marathon Participants (Right)